Cloverdale Pharmasave Health Centre
5778 176A Street
Surrey, British Columbia
V3S 4H3
P: 604-576-2888
F: 604-576-2882
Store Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sundays: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Statutory Holidays: CLOSED


Sun Protection

June 7, 2022

By Christine Cheng, R.Ph.

Q&A with Christine Cheng

Q: I spend a lot of time outdoors and I’m pretty good with my sunscreen application (eg, making sure I’m using at least an ounce to cover my body, reapplying every 2 hours, etc), but I find I’m still getting burned! What else can I do to protect my skin?

A: Other than protecting our skin from the outside, we can now protect it from the inside out. UV PROTECT from Innovite provides a patented preparation of grapefruit and rosemary extract that has been shown to protect cell membranes against the damaging effects of UV as well as protect the skin cell’s DNA from degradation. Use it regularly once a day for optimal protection. Couple this with PYCNOGENOL(R), an oral antioxidant derived from Maritime Pine Bark to help further protect the skin from UV damage and reduce any existing pigmentation caused by sun exposure.

Christine and Fred Cheng are a passionate, charismatic sister-brother pharmacist team at their unique, family-operated Pharmasave stores in Cloverdale and Steveston, B.C. They specialize in natural remedies and compounding for both human and veterinarian use. Find them on Instagram and Facebook! Everything mentioned in their article is available InStore.

Articles, Q&A, blog posts and all materials submitted for publishing is the intellectual property of Cloverdale Pharmacy Ltd – reproduction in part or whole, in print or online, without written consent and permission is prohibited.

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