Cloverdale Pharmasave Health Centre
5778 176A Street
Surrey, British Columbia
V3S 4H3
P: 604-576-2888
F: 604-576-2882
Store Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sundays: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Statutory Holidays: CLOSED


Relief for Dry Eyes

September 1, 2017

Having dry eyes can be such a bother.  Not only do your eyes feel irritated and even painful, but your vision could be so blurry that driving or even walking across the street becomes dangerous.  Your long-term vision could also be in jeopardy.

Dry eyes can be associated with many conditions, including serious diseases of the eye, nerves, immunity (such as rheumatism) or hormone systems (including diabetes).  Therefore, it is crucial you have these conditions ruled out before trying to treat yourself.  If you experience any grittiness, pain, eye fatigue, or they appear red, then you must seek medical attention immediately.  Never try to substitute medical treatment with alternative medicine.  Also, bear in mind that some common medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, Parkinson’s medications can also give you dry eyes, so you must have an open and honest relationship with your pharmacist in order to discuss such concerns with them.  Severe dry eye issues would require prescription eyedrops and therapies. 

Proper hygiene and giving your eyes enough rest, including reducing the time you wear contacts, and getting enough sleep in a day, could have a drastic benefit to moisture balance in the eye.  Minimizing screen time (eg. TV, computer, tablet, phone, etc.) could also make a dramatic difference.

True dry eye syndrome is typically linked to inflammation of the eyelid margins, which is rooted in a reduction in production and distribution of the natural oils (“lipids”) from the glands in the area.  Tears are a complex mix of water, lipids and mucous.  A lack of any of these ingredients could disrupt your body’s ideal tear formula and may lead to dry eye symptoms.  Once you have ruled out an underlying disease, there are several effective supplements to incorporate into your regiment.

A good omega fatty-acid supplement could restore the lipid balance in your tears.  NutraSea™ is a well-balanced combination of EPA and DHA (Omega-3 fatty-acids) from a clean marine source, along with antioxidants in the form of green tea and Vitamin E to prevent the formula from going rancid too quickly.  The oil itself comes from sardines, mackerel and anchovies from the wild waters off the coast of Peru; they are not farmed.  Furthermore, the fatty-acids in NutraSea are in a “triglyceride” form (vs. the typical “ethyl-ester” form in other popular brands), which means that it is a true, natural “oil”, which allows for far better absorption and availability to your body.   It comes in a delicious liquid form, as well as oral capsules, and they even have a MiniGel formula (which is about ¼ the size of a typical omega-3 fish oil capsules), so there’s no excuse for not taking it.  Many active, health-conscious people take omegas regularly because taking a good omega fatty-acid will also benefit your joint, cardiovascular, and brain/nerve health.

Many clients have had benefits from the Dry Eye Relief™ drops by Similasan.  This is a sterile homeopathic eye drop for temporary relief of dryness, redness, and stinging/irritation.  It can be used even if you’re on oral supplements or prescription medications.

If dry eyes is a chronic disturbance for you, and your physician has ruled out any serious underlying causes, then you can drop by Cloverdale Pharmasave or Pharmasave Steveston Village and discuss with a knowledgeable pharmacist the many integrative options you have to alleviate dry eyes.  Don’t delay anymore, because dry eye could lead to eye infections, damaged surfaces of eyes leading to ulceration and vision changes, and decreased quality of life.

[Christine and Fred Cheng are a passionate, charismatic sister-brother pharmacist team at their unique, family-owned and operated Pharmasaves in Cloverdale and Steveston Village, B.C. They specialize in natural remedies and compounding for both human and veterinarian use, as well as lifestyle modification, including Ideal Protein.  They would love to hear from you! Check them out at Everything mentioned in their article is available InStore.]

***All information posted and shared by Cloverdale Pharmasave is offered to provide information and choices regarding nutritional support for various health concerns, none of which is intended to be a treatment protocol for any disease state. The information does not replace seeking professional advice from your physician. Consult your health care practitioner before taking dietary supplements.

Articles, Q&A, blog posts and all materials submitted for publishing is the intellectual property of Cloverdale Pharmacy Ltd – reproduction in part or whole without written consent and permission is prohibited.

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