Q: What is the role of homeopathic medicine in the prevention of the flu?
Dr. Cheng: Homeopathics can be used to complement vaccination. A weekly dose of Influenzinum 9CH and a weekly dose of Thymuline 9CH for 5 weeks may enhance the protection. In fact such a regime is a good alternative for people who prefer not to be vaccinated. A dose of homeopathic Sulfur 30CH before and after vaccination may help to minimize the side effects of vaccination. If side effects do occur, a dose of Thuya 30CH or Antimomium Tart 30CH will alleviate the symptoms. For early symptoms of the flu, a few doses of Oscillococcinum can be very beneficial.
Henry Cheng is a medical graduate of the University of London, England and is now Natural Products Consultant at Pharmasave Health Centre Downtown Cloverdale.