Q: What is the best electrolyte to use during this record breaking summer heat?
A: Endura™(Metagenics) is the best electrolyte supplement for performance sports all year round. It not only contains sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium that are needed for proper cellular function but also contains chromium for regulating the supply of sugars to the muscles. In addition, it contains malic acid, taurine, and L-carnosine that are needed to fight fatigue and cramps. As well, there are vitamins and anti-oxidants that promote performance. This is the most ideal formula that I have ever come across. Most of the ingredients are chelated. For example the magnesium and chromium are bonded to glycine and the calcium to citrate. This bondage to an organic molecule enables the minerals to penetrate the cell easier and also stay in the system longer.
Henry Cheng is a medical graduate of the University of London, England and is now Natural Products Consultant at Pharmasave Health Centre Downtown Cloverdale.