Q: What are hemp hearts good for?
Dr. Henry Cheng: Hemp hearts are shelled hemp seeds. They are shaped like the heart, hence the name. It has the best health benefits among all seeds and nuts. 4 tablespoonfuls provide 15 g. of high quality protein, 15 g. of polyunsaturated fats (Omega 3, 6 essential fatty acids), 2.5 g. of fibre, lots of minerals and vitamins. Because of the high protein and fibre contents a meal with added hemp hearts fills and lasts. There are no unwanted sugars or saturated fats. Regular use will help control body weight as well as bring benefits to the bowel, cholesterol, blood pressure, joints, prostate, diabetes, and other medical conditions. Hemp seeds added to oat meal or fruit yogurt is the best breakfast that will keep you going till mid-afternoon.
Henry Cheng is a medical graduate of the University of London, England and is now Natural Products Consultant at Pharmasave Health Centre Downtown Cloverdale.