Q: I love celebrating the holidays, but find my gut is not exactly the “happiest” during this season! With so many holiday dinners and parties to go to, what can I do to help my entire body enjoy the holidays?
A: There are numerous reasons why our bellies may feel less than happy after a holiday meal. Holiday foods tend to be “rich” in butter and other fatty ingredients that our bowels are not accustomed to being exposed to. Taking digestive enzymes with each potentially troublesome meal can help your body digest the food properly thus reducing that “lump in the gut” feeling and excessive gas that develops as the gut bacteria tries to break down larger chunks of food. Look for a product that contains enzymes to help break down all of the major food groups (e.g., lipases, proteases, amylases). CYTO-ZYME from CytoMatrix contains broad-spectrum digestive enzyme support along with ginger root and fenugreek seed to help soothe the gut.