Q: I have suffered from eczema for as long as I can remember and tried all sorts of creams and ointments, both prescription and over-the-counter. Is there anything else you can suggest?
A: To effectively treat eczema requires a multi-pronged approach. Helping the skin maintain its moisture through topical application of creams and ointments is only part of the solution. Moisturizing from the inside out is also important. Omega-3 supplements (triglyceride form is best) along with hyaluronic acid supplements can help. The skin and immunity of long-time sufferers is so accustomed to the inflammation present that it may no longer be able to resolve this inflammation. This is where SPMs (Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators) can play a key role in initiating the actual healing process. Be patient with supplements! Conditions that have persisted for years will not heal overnight.