by Frederick Cheng, R.Ph., and Christine Cheng, R.Ph.
There is no single answer to the question, “what are the best daily supplements you recommend?”. We are all individuals. Our genetics and environmental influences have made us all unique in our health needs. The food you eat, your choice of lifestyle, and the exposure to environmental chemicals and risks, including body trauma, has an impact on how your body is acclimated based on your genetic blue-print. Ideally, we get all our necessary nutrients in our daily diet, but that is not always possible.
It is important to work with your integrative pharmacist, physician or trusted health professional to pinpoint your supplement needs and source the appropriate ones for your individual case. A daily multi-vitamin and -mineral that is sourced from whole foods is ideal, but is not always possible, especially during the pandemic. We love the CanPrev and Omega Alpha versions for their ease of use (2 daily), but the Metagenics and Thorne ones have been around for decades and offer an undisputedly high quality of ingredients. For the kids in the family, Herbaland (Richmond) and Sisu (Vancouver) both make some clean multivitamin chews.
Omega Fatty Acids are crucial for healthy skin, heart, nerves, memory, joints, and fat metabolism. The EPA:DHA ratio is an important factor to consider for specific needs; a DHA bias is useful for cognitive function and minimizing risk of dementia. The Metagenics/Omegagenics line has been trusted for years (available as scent-free capsules and liquids) because they offer different formulations specific to your needs. The liquid NutraSea/NutraVeg lines are great-tasting and easy to give to both adults and kids. Both companies disclose multiple statistics for their formulations based on lot numbers, including source of the oils and chemical analysis.
Probiotics can be used daily for maintenance of healthy gut flora, which is important for fluid-electrolyte balance, gut motility, and immunity. Often, they are used by patients taking antibiotics to offset the detrimental effects on the existing healthy gut bacteria.
Mushroom and antioxidant blends are very popular throughout the year, especially during the flu season and the COVID19 pandemic. They can help modulate the immune system and help manage stress, as well as repair damaged tissues. Of note are the Purica (Duncan, BC) line of mushrooms and mushroom protein powders, as well as New Roots Herbal‘s Vitamin C8.
Whatever you decide on with your integrative health member, pay close attention to dosing, adjustments, and be diligent about taking them regularly for maximum safety and maximum benefit. This article was intended to simply offer you a glimpse of how supplements can be catered to your specific health needs. Reach out to the integrative pharmacy teams at Cloverdale Pharmasave and Pharmasave Steveston Village for a brief chat or to schedule a detailed assessment of your supplement regimen.
Christine and Fred Cheng are a passionate, charismatic sister-brother pharmacist team at their unique, family-operated Pharmasave stores in Cloverdale and Steveston, B.C. They specialize in natural remedies and compounding for both human and veterinarian use. Find them on Instagram and Facebook! Everything mentioned in their article is available InStore.
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