Q: Are there any new natural medicines for memory loss?
Dr. Henry Cheng: A combination of DHA and Colostrinin had shown promising results. Fish oil is a combination of DHA and EPA, but there is a preparation made from squid (High DHA® from Metagenics) that has predominantly DHA and that is you want for memory loss. Colostrinin (CogniSure® from Metagenics) is a peptide complex isolated from bovine colostrum. It was researched in Poland and found to prevent the formation of beta-amyloid radicles that accounts for brain cell degeneration. One tablet is to be chewed every other day for 3 weeks. This course is repeated 10 times with a 2 week intermission between courses. People described the benefit as “having a clearer mind”, and “less forgetful”.
Henry Cheng is a medical graduate of the University of London, England and is now Natural Products Consultant at Pharmasave Health Centre Downtown Cloverdale.