Q: Can you recommend a safe and effective remedy for my mouth ulcer that has failed to heal?
Dr. Henry Cheng: I have excellent results with an oral homeopathic mixture called Canker Sore Pellets (Cloverdale Pharmasave) that contains all the classical remedies for ulceration of the oral mucosa, gums, lips and tonsils. Let 3 pills melt under the tongue and repeat 3 times a day. Then spray the area with Vinceel Spray (Heel Canada). You can expect healing to start on the second day if not within the day. To prevent the condition from coming back, you can take L-Lysine 500 mg daily for 7 days of the month. Stay away from deep fired, dry crispy, and hot spicy foods. Sleep well and manage your stress.
Henry Cheng is a medical graduate of the University of London, England and is now Natural Products Consultant at Pharmasave Health Centre Downtown Cloverdale.